State Bar of Georgia
State Bar of Georgia

Status Descriptions

(Member statuses that are displayed below in red notate those members who are not permitted to practice law in Georgia, unless otherwise noted.)

已缴付当前律师年度有效执照费的会员*, 是否有良好的信誉**并有资格在乔治亚州从事积极的法律实践.

Member who has not paid license fees for a period of no less than one or greater than five consecutive bar years; not eligible to practice law in Georgia, 但有资格通过律师规则规定的具体步骤复职, 但不需要参加律师资格考试才能复职.

Member who has been suspended by Supreme Court Order for non-compliance with Continuing Legal Education rules and regulations; therefore, 他们没有资格在乔治亚州执业.

成员有双重停职. 请参阅CLE停职和行政停职.

Member currently ineligible to practice law in Georgia due to Bar license fees being unpaid and also CLE Suspended for non-compliance with Continuing Legal Education rules and regulations. 有资格通过支付许可费和遵守CLE恢复.


Member who has been disbarred or voluntarily surrendered their license pending disciplinary action by Supreme Court Order. 一种公共纪律的形式,该律师没有资格在乔治亚州执业. 这种程度的纪律是适当的,在严重的道德不端的情况下. 被吊销律师资格的律师没有资格在乔治亚州执业.

Emeritus Member
Any member in good standing of the State Bar of Georgia who will attain the age of 70 years in a Bar year and who shall have been admitted to the practice of law for at least 25 years, 其中五年必须是乔治亚州律师协会信誉良好的成员. An emeritus member shall not be privileged to practice law except that an emeritus member may handle pro bono cases referred by either an organized pro bono program recognized by the Pro Bono Resource Center of the State Bar of Georgia or a nonprofit corporation that delivers legal services to the poor.

Foreign Law Consultant
Certified by Office of Bar Admissions to practice in Georgia only in regard to law of country in which he is admitted.

This member's certification for Foreign Law Consultant has lapsed and they are no longer eligible to practice in Georgia in regards to law of the country in which he/she is admitted.

信誉良好的会员, 已支付的非活动许可费, 但通过会员选举,目前没有资格在格鲁吉亚执业. Eligible to activate membership; includes members found to be permanently disabled. (这一身份不允许该成员在格鲁吉亚执业.)

OGC Suspension
被最高法院勒令停职的成员. 一种公共纪律的形式,该律师没有资格在乔治亚州执业 for a definite period of time or until satisfaction of certain conditions imposed as a part of the suspension.

OGC and CLE Suspensions
成员有双重停职. 参见OGC悬架和CLE悬架.

成员多次被停职. 有关更多信息,请参阅每种悬挂类型.


Provisional Member
Member who has been approved by the Georgia Office of Bar Admissions to provisionally practice law before taking and passing the Bar Exam due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, 根据乔治亚州最高法院的命令"格鲁吉亚法律执业临时许可.临时律师只能在另一名律师的监督下执业.

Membership Expired

  • The person provisionally admitted to the practice of law fails to register to sit for the second Georgia bar examination after such person applied for provisional admission;
  • The certification of fitness for the person provisionally admitted to the practice of law is revoked or suspended; or
  • 临时获准从事法律业务的人未通过乔治亚州律师资格考试.

Resigned CLE Deficient
A member not in good standing due to Continuing Legal Education deficiency who chose to resign their membership; therefore, 没有资格在乔治亚州当律师. (辞职需经执行委员会批准.)

A member not in good standing due to Continuing Legal Education deficiency and unpaid membership license fees deficiency who chose to resign their membership; therefore, 没有资格在乔治亚州当律师; (辞职需经执行委员会批准.)

A member not in good standing due to unpaid membership license fees deficiency who chose to resign their membership; therefore, 没有资格在乔治亚州当律师; (辞职需经执行委员会批准.)

Resigned Membership
A member in good standing who chose to resign their membership; therefore, 没有资格在乔治亚州当律师. (辞职需经执行委员会批准.) (这一身份不允许该成员在格鲁吉亚执业.)

Retired Status
该成员已从法律实践中退休,不在任何州从事积极的法律实践, 美国的地区或领土.

故意拒绝的律师, 由有司法管辖权的法院根据《亚洲最大娱乐平台》的程序裁定.G.C.A. § 19-6-28.1, to timely pay a child support obligation and continues such refusal for thirty days after said determination becomes final; not eligible to practice, 但有资格通过律师规则规定的具体步骤恢复.

暂停- OGC和行政
成员有双重停职. 参见OGC暂停和行政暂停-许可费.

Member delinquent in license fees payment for greater than 5 consecutive bar years; the membership is automatically terminated and member will be required to take bar exam before being eligible to practice law in Georgia again. 被终止的成员没有资格在乔治亚州执业. 会员不享有互惠待遇.

会员信誉不佳,因未缴执照费而无执业资格. 有资格通过支付许可费恢复.

*Current Bar Year
The annual fiscal year of the State Bar of Georgia runs July 1 of the current calendar year through June 30 of the following calendar year. 州律师协会成员的年度执照费应于每年7月1日到期并支付. 如果会员在9月1日前未能支付执照费, 该会员将不再是信誉良好的会员.

**Good Standing
A person shall not be deemed a member in good standing if delinquent in annual license fees; suspended for disciplinary reasons; while disbarred; while suspended for failure to comply with continuing legal education requirements; or while in violation of Bar Rule 1-200 for failure to pay child support obligations.

***Inactive Member
所有既不从事法律业务,又不以执业律师自居的律师, nor occupying any public or private position in which they may be called upon to give legal advice or counsel or to examine the law or to pass upon the legal effect of any act, document, 或者法律在他们的选举中可能是不活跃的成员. All inactive members shall pay annual license fees; be exempt from continuing legal education requirements for period that they are inactive, affirmatively represent their status as inactive members of the State Bar of Georgia when any statement of State Bar membership is made; not hold themselves out as being able to practice law in Georgia or render advice on matters of Georgia law; not hold any position that requires the person to be a licensed Georgia attorney; keep the membership department advised of their current name, address and phone number; an inactive member in good standing may on application become an active member by payment of active license fees for the year of activation and complying with an CLE requirements. A member found to be permanently disabled by the Social Security Administration has the same privileges as an inactive member but the requirement to pay license fees is waived.